eSign Signature Requests
An eSign Signature Request is used to prepare a document, send it for completion, and collect it back using the Kamana eSign Feature. Agencies are able to send Signature Requests to healthcare professionals with a talent profile associated with your account - meaning both healthcare professionals with claimed and unclaimed profiles are able to receive eSignature Requests. Healthcare professionals are referred to as Talent when preparing a Signature Request.
Before sending a Signature Request, an eSign template must be created for the document(s) you would like to send. All templates must be Active to be sent in a Signature Request.
Create Signature Request
- Open the Talent Profile of the healthcare professional you would like to send a Signature Request to
- In the Recent eSign Documents section of the profile, select the(+) Add icon and then select From a Template
- A Signature Request Page will be opened where you will see a list of all Active eSign Templates
- If the templates you need to send are not listed as Active, update their status
- Select the template(s) you wish to send by marking the checkbox of the corresponding template name.
- Remember:
- You may select up to 10 templates
- If multiple templates are selected, they will be combined into a single Signature Request
- We suggest only sending multiple templates, when you will not need to separate the documents in the future.
- Consider the signing experience for the healthcare provider when sending multiple templates
- It can be challenging for a healthcare professional to complete all required information at one time.
- Documents can be signed on the go, from any device! Don’t feel that you need to send everything in a single request.
- Enter a Subject Line. Subjects are mandatory and subject line will be displayed to the healthcare professional in the notification they receive regarding the Signature Request. Create a subject line that corresponds to the documents being sent to ensure clarity as to what you are asking to be signed from the beginning.
- You may choose to enter a message. This message will be displayed to the healthcare professional after they open the link of the Signature Request. You may wish to include specifics about how to complete one or more of the included documents, or ask for the documents to be completed within a specific timeframe.
- Modify the Signature Options if you would like. Default settings allow the healthcare professional to Draw or Type their signature. The default signature type is set to Draw. This should work in most situations. All signature options will capture a“legal” signature.
- Allow Drawing Signature
- Signer can draw the signature with their mouse or touchpad on their computer, or with their finger on the screen if on a mobile device.
- Allow Typed Signature
- Signer may type their signature
- Allow Uploading Signature
- Signer can upload an image of their signature. This option is disabled by default. You may wish to enable this option if a“wet signature” is required on a document.
- Select Save
Prepare and Send Signature Request
After selecting Save, you will be brought to the Signature Request page. Prior to moving forward, review your signature request. You have the ability to view all documents that are included in each template by clicking the # Document(s) link under each selected template. You also have the ability to make changes to the subject or message fields.
- Select Prepare Request which is located under the Ready Status in the blue box.
- Preparing the template will generate a pop-up window within your screen. This module is where you will see your previously created fillable fields and signatures. We recommend you review documents in this request, make necessary changes to the fields within the documents, and personally fill/sign the documents if needed.
- Once complete, select Continue in the top right corner of the module.
- You will NOT be able to edit the Signature Request after completing this request.
- If the Message was left blank while creating the Signature Request, you will have a final opportunity to complete this field.
- Select Request Signature
- The request has NOT been sent. The pop-window will close and a Preparing Request loading indicator will appear on the Prepare Request button. It will take a few moments to finalize the request. The status will change to Available after the request has been finalized and a Send for Signatures button will populate in place of Prepare Request.
- Select Send for Signatures to send the request to the healthcare professional. The healthcare professional will be notified of the pending request and the status will change to Sent until the signature request has been completed by the talent. If a healthcare professional has viewed the signature request, but has not completed it, you will also see that notated in the blue status box.
Learn more about the Notification and Signing Experience for Healthcare Professionals.
Deleting an eSign Signature Request
The option to Delete a Signature Request is available at any point before the healthcare professional signs the request. Signature Requests cannot be edited after finalization therefore, it is best to use the Delete option to start over.
- If the request has been sent to the healthcare professional for signature and then deleted, the healthcare professional will receive a message that the signature request is no longer available for signing when attempting to complete the request.
- If the request is deleted before it is sent for signature, the healthcare professional will not have been notified at all.
To Delete a Signature Request:
- Select the Delete link within the blue status box
Resending an eSign Signature Request
The option to Resend a Signature Request is available at any time before the healthcare professional signs the request. Resending a Signature Request will notify the healthcare professional, reminding them about the open signature request.
To Resend a Signature Request
- Select the Resend link within the blue status box