eSign Template Preparation

As the Boy Scouts say, “Be Prepared!” Prior to creating your first eSign Template, it’s important to organize your forms and documents and design a plan that will provide a positive onboarding experience for your healthcare professionals. Preparing your documents may require restructuring or reformatting, especially if this is the first time you are using an electronic signature provider. 

Documents to Send Through Kamana

You have the ability to create a template for any document that needs to be filled out and/or signed by a healthcare professional. Common document types used by healthcare staffing agencies are: 
  • Background Check Authorizations
  • Vaccination Waivers
  • Required Federal and State Tax Forms
  • Questionnaires
  • Company Handbook and Policy Acknowledgements
  • Training Acknowledgements
  • Direct Deposit Forms
  • Employee Contracts
  • and more!
If you are in need of templates, check out the Kamana Template Library . We welcome and encourage you to use any and all of these templates!

Preparation Tips

  • Organize your documents and plan out your templates before creating templates in Kamana
  • Quality! Document quality is important to your healthcare professional. Each page of the document should be clear, aligned properly, and easy to read. 
  • Send only what you need. Use the Document Library to share long documents like company handbooks. If a signature is required, create a one-page eSign template referencing where the full-length document can be found, instead of uploading the entire thing as a template
  • Be aware of including too many templates in a single signature request. Although it may be helpful to group all documents required for that stage of the onboarding process, it can be challenging for a healthcare professional to complete all required information at one time. 
    • Lengthy templates may feel intimidating or take a long time to load on a slow internet connection
    • Documents can be signed on the go, from any device! Don’t feel that you need to send everything in a single request.
  • Documents that need to be sent, stored, or shared individually should each be their own separate template. Although, you can split up documents in a template after the signature has been completed, you can not send only part of a template for signature. 
  • Be Consistent! Use consistent naming structures for your templates with clear language. 

Template Planning Example

For this example, let’s say documents A, B, and C, need to be signed by all healthcare professionals. Document D only needs to be signed by healthcare professionals working in California. 
Documents A and B are kept for internal records within your agency. Documents C and D are often sent to the facility. 
In this case, we suggest the following template plan:
  • Template 1 - Documents A and B
  • Template 2 - Document C
  • Template 3 - Document D
Now that you have your template plan, it’s time to get started creating your eSign templates.
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