My Kamana Dashboard

The My Kamana Dashboard contains a quick overview as to what is going on within your Kamana portal. This information includes Recently Updated Profiles, Recent Message Activity, and Recently Completed eSigns

Recently Updated Profiles
The Recently Updated Profiles widget provides a list of the ten Talent Profiles that have most recently been updated. The users in this list are sorted by date with most recent updates listed first. Updates include those made to Personal Information, Desired Opportunities, Licenses, Certifications, Education, Work History, Skills, References, Medical History, Additional Documents or Background & Work Authorization by either the healthcare professional or the agency. To open the Talent Profile, select the name of the healthcare professional. 
Recent Message Activity
The Recent Message Activity widget provides a list of the 10 most recent message threads with healthcare professionals for which you are assigned the Primary Contact . Threads are sorted by date with the most recent thread listed first. Messages sent by the healthcare professional or by any Kamana Agency user other than the Primary Contact count as recent activity. To open the thread, select the name of the healthcare professional.
Recently Completed eSigns
The Recently Completed eSigns widget provides a list of the 10 most recently completed eSign Requests by healthcare professionals for which you are assigned as the Primary Contact . Completed eSigns are sorted by date with the most recently completed request listed first. To open the Talent Profile, select the name of the healthcare professional. To open the completed eSign Request, select the Subject of the eSign Request.
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